Tuesday, 18 November 2008

confirmation and affirmation

ok ok my english writitng skills is how do you say ... very bad. Afterall I am from a little unique paradise in the indian ocean and for those who think this is a proffessional picture!! Well no I took this picture myself at Anse Lazioin the Seychelles. "Beautyfull no". Anyway this is the feedback that i had from 2 out 3 formative assignement. I know that english is not my first languages but i realy need to improve that skill. Even by using very thouroughly the spell and grammar check. I still manage to leave some mistakes. I think I will have to get grammar classes or support by the uny. let's hope for more news about what i need to improve because as for now i do not know any others.

see u soon on this page.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Dear journal/Diary
Unfortunatly for some culture, I have a very confident personality. I believe notting is impossible. It is just a question of times and efforts and opportunities to succeed in what we are doing.

All the learning and critical analysis will be a doable task. Based on the reflection model given in class, their is three steps to follow to achieves a post graduates reflection process. Based on habermas (1972) these steps are description , analysis and reconstruction. The first two steps are purely academic based on your learning and observation therein. The third steps is the reflection expected from us as MA student.

One problem about this process is to know when are we able to say that we read all the various point of view on the subject. How and when is it we can be certain nobody has ever reflected in the same way as we are doing at that time.

Another problem is the Communication process which can be altered by anything and thus missing out on potential crucial learning outcomes and skills.

"the only thing that I know is that I know nothing" (Socrates) is the way I like to approach my learning and studies. I can say that this type of attitudes has his strengh and weaknesses within. the strengh is that you are confident enought to undertake all the required work and learn all the skills you need. But the at the same time, am I too confident to go through the process without noticing criticals skills and learnings outcomes.

No Fear is my logo but my aspirations are big and I sure think that going throught this MA Events course will help me succeed on the path of my aspirations.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

origine of the uniblog

this blog has been created for the critical research method class. my tutor is james Kennell which I think resemble john Terry.(lol)
look out for my research and though in this very interesting mean of diffusion of information.

Garry Pelissier